October 18, 2024



UT Govt and District administation to impose weekend Lockdown without taking into Confidence the Steakholders causing problems- Manohar

Dictatorial move of UT Govt and District administation to impose weekend Lockdown without taking into Confidence the Steakholders causing problems- Manohar

Former Minister & Senior Congress Leader Dr Manohar Lal Sharma today came down heavily on LG Administration and District Administration Kathua for failing in communicating & handling the covid weekend lockdowns due to which he said people especially shopkeepers and traders are suffering especially in this festive season.Citing yesterdays protest by shopkeeprs at Phinter Billawar Dr Sharma said present adminstration led by LG has history of posting orders on public without any proper communication and prior intimation .He said a situation of chaos has been seen among the shopkepers which led to yesterdays protest. Further he said that we don’t oppose lockdowns as they are for saving lives of masses from pandemic but we insist on proper communucation and also taking all stake holders in confidence and discussion before imposing such orders as bussisnes community has been worst hut by this pandemic. He said District adminstratiin should call meetings of all beopar mandals to discuss the issues and after coming on common platform they should move forward with weekend lockdowns and restrictions.